Disputes affect people. They leave negative feeling behind. Your memory will not be pleasant whenever you think of the person you litigated. To add insult to injury, your frustration will increase if you do not know what to say, how to say, when to say, why have to say it, the ramifications of your silence. Many people fear court. Their fear clouds their ability to reason or speak logically before a judge. To put things shortly, disputes cost people emotionally, physically and financially.

It is often said that litigation is a battle. If you are ever caught up in one, you need to retain a qualified, effective and experienced lawyer, who is trained to find needle from a haystack, take care of the case professionally and understand you personally.

Michael’s experience stretches from simple succession matters to huge international cases. His legal advice has led number clients to victory. Within a short period of time he has won more than 30 Million Birr for his clients, and that number is still counting. Michael acts professionally, communicates with clients on every step of the way, is organized and, most importantly, trustworthy.

Michael has professionally represented clients in Succession, Divorce, Partition of Property, Contract, Criminal, Intellectual Property, Joint Venture Agreement, Labor, Real Estate, Construction, Hotel Management, Property cases and took part in an international arbitration case related with Oil & Gas agreement.

Michael’s experience in the field of dispute settlement does not end in a single court room or tribunal. As Steering Committee member of Ethiopian Arbitration and Conciliation Center, he is on the process of establishing a robust arbitration institution. This has opened the door for him to work with decision makers in the country. Further, he effectively organizes conferences, including in partnership with Young ICCA, to increase the awareness in the field of ADR, Arbitration and Litigation.

Michael is among the leading commentators in the field of dispute resolution. Other than his blossoming legal practice, he has co-authored and published, the first book on arbitration entitled Arbitration Law In Ethiopia.
